
Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

How to Creatively Update your Bathroom on a Budget

If you are getting tired of your outdated bathroom and it’s time for an update, what are you waiting for? If its money you say, join the rest of home owners that struggle to make needed or wanted updates to their bathroom because of budget constraints. While being on a budget for you may mean only changing out the plumbing fixtures, while to someone else  it may mean only adding paint to the walls. Whichever is your scenario there are easy ways to update your bathroom, follow these tips.
  • Modernize with color: Depending on how much you can afford, adding modern colors to your bathroom can be the difference between a bathroom you enjoy to wake up to, and one that you rush out of in the morning! For a natural and Zen inspired bathroom use colors inspired by nature: browns, greens, blues, and beiges will instantly update your surroundings. Whether it’s through paint color, wall paper, finishes, or bath linens, modernize instantly with a pleasing color palette.
  • Do it yourself projects: If you are handy with do it yourself projects, a bathroom update may not be as expensive as you think. Consider installing beadboard paneling on your walls for a cottage interior feeling. Changing out plumbing fixtures to modern ones in your bathtub/shower and sink area is relatively simple, and can update the look of your entire sink or bathing area. If you have a favorite home improvement store, check to see if they have any do it yourself workshops. Many stores will feature a DIY project regularly, and many of them will arm you with the knowledge to update your bathroom.
 Restore the classics: Assess the reason why you are updating your bathroom. If you are updating your bathroom because of old looking and malfunctioning amenities, then replacing with new is your best option. While, if you have a classic claw foot tub that is starting to discolor from age, there are many restoration techniques you can do to restore it. Between the internet, blogs, and design television programs, you are bound to find resources to help you update your classic bathroom to a functional and beautiful state. Remember, updating doesn’t have to always mean brand new, it may mean restoring the old to work beautifully.

 Update your bathroom in phases: While we all would like to update an outdated bathroom within a weekend, the reality of your budget and time may not be realistic for this to happen. Consider saving money by remodeling or updating your bathroom in phases. For example, removing old ceramic tile, and replacing it on a bathroom wall may be a weekend project. A few weeks later consider repainting, and so on. Often times the reality of an expensive update seems more expensive if you want to accomplish at one time. Make a plan and focus on the long term goal to keep your finances in check.

Updating your bathroom is a closer reality than you thought, without having to spend 2 or 3 paychecks to do so. Analyze your bathroom and determine what needs to be updated, and what your wish list items are.  Tackle the needs first and plan out a timeline and a budget. You will be happier that you did, and so will your pocket. Seek inspiration and advice from those that have updated their bathrooms before to steer away from common mistakes and problems. In no time you will be enjoying your bathroom once again!
Freshoome readers we know you have updated your bathrooms – add on your best tips to save money!

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